Welcome to Recrooter

This is the plugin for recrooters to enable ATS like functionalities on their Google Sheet™

Google OAuth2 Homepage

Accurately represents your app's identity: The icon-128x128 Recrooter App is a Google Sheet™ Add-On recrooter.ankitgupta.link that adds ATS (Applicant Tracking System) like functionalities to a Google Sheet™.

What will this app do with user data?

Recrooter doesn't use the personal information like name, email and profile picture on its add-on. It uses the calendar permissions to create events to user's calendar.

How does this app enhance user functionality?

The add-on helps in adding Applicant Tracking System features to a Google Sheet™:

  1. You can send interview invites by only specifying the date/time for the interview
  2. You can send status updates to the candidates as you move through the process - including waitlist, rejection, hire
  3. You can automatically sync your profiles to any ATS of your choosing [upcoming

Link to Privacy Policy: Click here.

Describe the content, context, or connection to the app: The icon-128x128 Recrooter App is a Google Sheet™ Add-On that helps to add ATS (Applicant Tracking System) like functionalities to a Google Sheet™.

Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure

Recrooter's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.